Everyone has a story and your story matters.
What Comes Next | Jen’s Story | Life Transformation Story
Refuse to Settle | The Story of Mana and Tabitha
I thought we had a great marriage…
Mike and Janet came from different family backgrounds. That led them to have issues that affected their marriage – and their walk with Jesus. On the brink of a divorce, they both had moments where they had to surrender to Jesus in new ways and now their family is in a better place than ever before.
Redesigned | The Story of Nicolette
Life change and redesign happens best in our lives in the context of biblical Community. Like Nicolette’s story God will often use the power of Biblical community to help us refuse to settle for less than the life He wants us to live.
Want the type of community? Watch Nicolette’s story then head to our groups page where you can find a group and let God begin to redesign your life.
The Missing Peace | The Story of Jolisa White
Unreachable | Life Transformation Stories
There is power in your story! We all have DIFFERENT stories that God wants to use to REACH different people.
You don’t have to be in jail for your life to be in prison…
Jimmy was sentenced to 252 months in prison. After joining a prison gang, he experienced things he wouldn’t wish on anyone else. Through conversations with a prison chaplain, he surrendered himself to Jesus and experienced a relief beyond explanation.